
Ready Cal

Ready Cal


Ready Cal:

Ready & easily absorbable formula, which contains Calcium, Nitrogen, Magnesium in addition to trace elements.

  • Contains special bio stimulants, which make balance between root growth and vegetative growth, thus leads to high increase in productivity and plant resistance.
  • Could be added through fertigation or by foliar application.
  • Contains special compounds that increase cataion exchange capacity and improve absorption.

Components (w/v):

Nitrogen N 10.0٪
Magnesium MgO 3.0٪
Boron B 0.1٪
Calcium CaO 13.0٪
Iron Fe 0.4٪
Zinc Zn 0.5٪
Plus natural bio stimulates for root growth .

Application Rate:

Crop Time and dose by fertigation Foliar (ml /200 lit )
Vegetables Start from real leaf appearing by 5 lit/ hectare, then increase gradually up to 10 lit / week 250-300
Fruit trees After fruit set, 50-100 ml / tree, but preferably added by foliar application 250-300
Field & forage crops Twice among the season by 10-15 lit / hectare 200-250


1 Lit, 5 Lit, 20 Lit